Seminars and Webinars

Fealty conducts seminars and webinars on a regular basis nationwide.


Next Webinar: TBA

I’ll be announcing the next webinar shortly probably in June or perhaps May 2021.


Past Webinars

Exit Planning Basics: Why it’s needed before the Business Sale

Register for the next Webinar

Next Webinar TBA

General Webinar Details

Replays will be available.

This webinar system is called Demio, it does not need any separate software just use your browser e.g. Chrome or Safari.

Settings are “private” meaning no one knows who else is on the webinar. You can message the presenter (Bruce McGechan) with any questions during the webinar which he’ll answer at the end.

For future webinar times please contact Fealty.


In-person seminars are dependant on the Covid19 situation. At this stage webinars will be used until Covid19 vaccination has progressed.

If a business owner or financial advisor wants to discuss in-person exit planning and selling a business please contact us directly.


Bruce delivers exit planning keynote speeches at industry and company conferences as well as to businesses and professional advisors at their premises. 

His Business Sale and Retirement 5-4-3-2-1 keynote speech covers the 5 Stages of Value Maturity, the 4 Capitals, the 3 Legs/Gates/Gaps, the 2 Paths being personal and business, and the 1 Goal being Value.

Potential audience types include industry conferences, financial advisors (financial advice, investment and insurance), legal and accounting firms, business owners and their staff, community leaders and their peers, entrepreneurs want to plan with the end in mind.