Business Valuation & Advisory Services

What is a business in New Zealand really worth? Bruce McGechan, MD of Fealty Ltd, is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) who works with business owners, investors, lawyers, accountants, bankers and financial advisors to assist them with business valuation matters involving:

  • Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), and Sale of Business
  • Buy/sell or share sale agreements
  • Estate planning
  • Gifting to trusts
  • Bank loan applications
  • Divorce proceedings
  • Fairness opinions
  • Shareholder transactions
  • Capital raising
  • Employee share schemes (ESS)
  • Exit planning

Fealty can provide M&A advisory and exit planning services based on the valuation including M&A / Business Sales, and Exit Planning.

Some of my business valuation experience

  • Acquisition of a tourism aircraft company
  • Sale of a wholesale business
  • Calculation of the value of a software company to gift to a trust
  • Global architectural partnership wanting to separate the business between partners
  • Hospitality group international capital raising
  • Acquisition of a seafood business
  • Internal sale of shares in a software services company
  • Internal sale of shares in a government services firm
  • Equity valuation in a manufacturing company for exit planning purposes
  • Sale of a commercial construction business
  • Merger of two services firms

Bruce McGechan

Bruce McGechan is the founder and managing director of Fealty Business Valuations. He has completed scores of valuations and advised clients on raising capital, buying and selling businesses, and exit planning.

He is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Certified M&A Advisor (CMAA) and Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA), Master of Entrepreneurship (Hons, Otago) and BCA (Accounting, Victoria). 

Bruce McGechan
